I dislike first impressions…mostly when it comes to a new job. But, we’ve been here in Lincoln a full week now and the first impressions we have been experiencing have been wonderful!
I know many of you don’t want to here that…because you don’t want us to stay in Nebraska…but, we still don’t think we will be staying longer than 2 years; however, we do think we are going to absolutely LOVE our time here.
As we came upon Lincoln, driving East on the I-80 we could see downtown Lincoln in the distance. Not because of many sky scrapers creating a city-scape, but because of one protuberance, the State Capital. You can seriously see that thing for miles. It has a freaky guy on the top too. Weird! And kinda cool!

Turns out he is called a sower...he still looks kind freaky.
Fun Facts about Lincoln:
Population: 225,581 well, 225,584 now that the three of us moved in. They are changing the population sign next Monday. No, not really, but that population figure was according to the census of 2000.
Neighborhoods: Lincoln names its neighborhoods. There are about 21 named neighborhoods and we live in the Bethany Neighborhood. We also live across the street from Bethany Park and our library is the Bethany Library (which is NOT within walking distance and actually looks pitifully small, as far as my first impression went). We are VERY glad we didn’t name Marley, Bethany. She would grow up for the next two years thinking everything was named after her!
One of the main grocery stores is called HyVee…um…ok! Weird name. It reminds me of a Friends episode when one of Rachel's sisters (Christina Applegate) comes to visit and everytime someone says Pheobe's name she thinks they are just saying a funny sound. That's what I think of HyVee...that's a funny sound!?!?
We haven’t been there yet because there is a super Walmart but we definitely plan on frequenting the HyVee for groceries...or at least going and checking it out. We gotta try to find out why they called it that. Maybe it’s like Smith’s and that is someone’s last name or something?

Something we already love about the HyVees’ is that they all have a redbox in them! No cable…too expensive so, thank goodness for the HyVee and redbox! ( I miss Friends! Hee hee!)

As I said there is a Walmart. There are actually two but one that’s closer to us. There are THREE Targets! And I’m pretty mad about that because I am boycotting Target…but, that’s a whole different blog that will probably never be written, because I was taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. And unless a lot of people express their desire to hear about my beef with Target, I will just keep it to myself…unless provoked by Target, of course.
Ok, that’s enough “Fun Facts”, if you want more just google Lincoln, NE and look at the WHOLE Wikkipedia page. It’s cool!
We went to our ward yesterday, the Trendwood ward. There are 16 new families! Most of the students in our ward are Law students. We found out there is a professor in our ward that works in the Law School and recruits heavily from Utah. Pretty cool! It’s not a student ward but, it’s pretty darn close.
We also met our bishop! Bishop Christensen and he busted his business card out and told us that he would take care of all of our hearing needs! He saw Nathan’s hearing aid and Bishop is an audiologist!!! That is a huge blessing! Just on Friday we were looking for a dehumidifying container for Nathan’s hearing aid, because it is so humid here he needs to put it in one of those containers each night…or he should. Well, Walmart didn’t have them, so I was thinking we were going to have to find an audiologist and then one fell into our lap! Or ward! Or we ended up in his ward…anyway. I wanted to cry for joy. Now if we could just find out who in our ward is a Pediatrician!
Well, Nathan says this is WAY too long and he is cutting me off. But, we go signed up for our own internet on Saturday and it is working fabulous so, there will be plenty of blogs. I surely have to blog about what I did today! Seriously, stay tuned.
These are for Julie. She misses Marley so very much! And Marley misses her too…and Sammy.

We love you all!!!
Those pictures make you miss you guys so much! I can't beleive that you are really in NE. I'm super excited for your new adventure and for your fun stories. I'm glad that you are doing well. I love and miss you! BTW Marley is so cute!
I am glad you like where you are living, it's hard to move away from those you love. Marley looks so cute, I love her big brown eyes! Can't wait to hear more stories...:)
P.S. Your capital building looks like a giant... you know what. Yet another reason to come back.
Yay, I'm glad you made it safely. Sounds like a 4nice town. I love the pictures of Marley. She is so cute, especially in the hat! (Btw, I was boycotting Target at one point too) but at least there are Wal-Marts there. I think HyVee's are the owners/founders last names combined.
HA!!! You're sis Julie KILLS me! That is HYSTERICAL! Love it! Anyway, glad things are going well in NE (argh!) and that so many things are working out for you (Bishop an audiologist, Marley not being named Bethany, etc... lol). But I WOULD like to hear that story of TArget. Does it have to do with returning things/wedding gifts and only being able to use that money for certain departments of the store? Wasn't it you who was griping about that to me once? Oh, and loved the pics of baby... can't believe her hospital hat still fits her though! She's so tiny! Cute! Miss and love you guys.
PS... not only is your sister's comment hilarious, it's also very correct. At second glance, that's all I can think... HA!
So she doesn't miss me? Sad!!
Marlayna, Marlayna totally misses you too! She misses how you would just hold her so comfortably and gaze into her face. Even while she was silently sleeping.
Julie...and Sarah...I totally thought that about the capital too! I almost included that in the blog, but I didn't want everyone to think I was perverted or something. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that though.
Hmmm....now I know more about Lincoln Nebraska.
My world is complete.
Thanks for the Lincoln lesson - I loved learning about everything. So good to see things are so far so good. Love you!
OH - and I read the Lincoln b"log" (HA!) to my friend Heather and she got all nestalgic - she and her hubby lived in Lincoln 20 years ago - Dental School. She wonders if you live in their ward boundries - they had numbers back then.
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