Here are just a bunch of random pictures. Hope you all enjoy!
Marley got a package from Aunt Julie, Uncle Matt and Sam for Valentine's day. The penguin shirt is on the couch in the background, but Marley really loved the hat they sent.

Or maybe she didn't? No, she really did keep it on her head for quite awhile.
Here are a few more pictures of Marley with a hat on. I think she looks pretty cute in a hat.
This first one was taken on Christmas morning.

Grandma Lynie sent Marley this hat.

Becky's Aunt Kathy sent this hat to Marley.
(sorry, I can't get the picture to turn)

This hat came with a matching outfit that I never got on her while it still fit. So, before I packed the outfit and hat away I had to take a picture Marley in the hat! So cute!

The is the one and only head band that Marley has and I made it. I need to take a class or something.

Homemade Chicken Pot Pies!!! SO good!
Marley is such a big helper. A few weeks ago I cleaned/organized our bedroom closet and Marley was a big helper.
I love our couch! We didn't have a couch for the first 4 months we lived here and it was pretty fun. But, it's SO nice to have a couch. My awesome visiting teaching companion hooked us up with some of her relatives who were getting rid of their couch! All we had to do was pick it up and the Elder's Quorum Pres. helped us with that with his truck. So nice!
Remember back in December when I asked if I should talk to our property manager about our stone age dishwasher? Well, I did and two days later we came home from grocery shopping and we had a brand new dishwasher. ONE of the benefits of renting. ;-)
The outside of the new one. You can see me squatting in the reflection. HA!

Inside the old dishwasher. Full of course.

The outside of the old one.

The awesome inside of the new one!
Marley doing the splits.
"Mom, could you please put the camera down and HELP ME!!!"

Yes that is my bottle of prenatal vitamins...NO, we did not use them to decorate cookies.
This is Marley in my sequin bag.
One night when I was gone with the car, Nathan decided to walk to the library with Marley. Our books were due and we are striving to never pay a late fee. Nathan said he put this puffy coat on Marley and she didn't move the whole time. This coat was her cousin Sam's when he was a little bigger than Marley. Thank you Sam for the warm coat!!!
She also didn't move when we layed her down and unzipped.
Marley just sittin' on the edge of her bed.
"Mom, put the camera down and help me get my foot unstuck!"
Ahhhhh!!! Legs and arms hangin off the bed.
This picture is from the night we moved in to our apartment here in Lincoln. My Aunt Jan gave us a Queen bedset just before we moved. It was from her guest room and I was so excited to set it up on our bed...even after a long hot day of moving in.

Marley is passed out in this picture.

It is SO awesome!! It makes me feel like a million bucks! Thank you Aunt Jan!
Speaking of moving to Lincoln...this was our view the whole way. My mom and dad pulled a trailer for us! They are awesome! Thank you mom and dad!
One day, last August I was biking in Park City with Nathan and Jill. I crashed. It hurt. I have NO idea why I'm smiling in this picture. I was seriously hurt. No broken bones which totally surprises me but, my upper legs have never recovered.
Last year we had a garden at my mom's house. This is a stack of the first of the corn harvest. I love fresh corn on the cob. I wish we could have a garden this year...we'll see.
I love to be organized. This is us trying to organize the garage last fall. You should see the garage now...SO's winter. We just throw stuff in there right now. But, come Spring we'll be organizing it again!!!
When we moved to Lincoln we were lacking REAL salt and pepper shakers. We found these at an antique show in the Haymarket district while my mom and dad were still in town with us and they bought them for us as a new apartment warming gift. We love them! They will always remind us of our time in Lincoln, NE the land of corn!

I freakin' love those pictures... So much fun! And I miss Marley Pants so bad!
So cute. I really like the headband you made. It's adorable and it's not one of those that leaves an elastic mark on the baby's head. Marley seems like such a good baby. I love the picture of your bedset with your husband sitting there with the pillow over his face. So funny. I need to meet your little family someday.
Holy post and a half! Good work! I need you to do something for me -- um, can you tell your landlord that our dishwasher sucks big time? Maybe I'll be lucky enough to come home from the store one day to a brand new one... Yeah, I know, I wish!
I'm back to look again. I think Parsley loves that coat. AND I can't believe you are smiling in the bike crash picture either, because I saw the bruises and they were NASTY!!!! You just like to show off you beautiful $$$$$mile.
becky, thanks for your comment, it was really sweet and i needed it. and i love the pic of marley with the bubble wrap envelope on her head, hilarious!!
Great post. These pictures made me smile too. I love the ones of Marley in the hats, especially the bubble wrap envelope and the headband you made. She's so adorable. And those cookies look delicious (I have that same tray). And the corn on the cob. Yum. I miss you!
That was a bunch of fun, random stuff! I don't usually laugh out loud when I'm looking at pictures by myself, but boy when I saw that picture of you forcing a smile with dirt on your face and your bike 10 feet behind you- I LAUGHED! You're so funny.
I was laughing my head off when I saw the picture witht he caption," Mom will you put the camera down and help me!!!"
I love your collection of pictures. Very nice. They make me smile too.
I love all of the pictures! Marley is adorable, as always. I'm so glad your quarters made a reappearance!
ohmygosh. That was a serious overload of pictures.
Loved them all.
Love the dishwasher.
Love the library.
Love the split legs.
Love her hats.
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