The weekend before we left Neb. we went camping with some friends. It was so much fun and it was Marley's first time camping. She did a great job playing, getting dirty and even sleeping in the tent.
She loved this was just her size. Can you see her in this picture?

We didn't know there was a beach on the lake so we didn't have our swim suits, but next time we are SO swimming! It was a beautiful day!

She loved collecting rocks and showing mommy each one.

Its so beautiful there! Makes me miss going camping with the families even more :)
glad all well :) It was a good time, Thanks for letting us crash your party! Have fun on the rest of your extended vacation!
Definitely looks like fun! Marley sure is getting big.
That was so much fun. We've gone swimming there a couple of times now - you'll love it! Maybe you should come back right now just to experience it!
I'm wondering if I always look that cranky, or if you just caught me at a good time...don't answer that.
That looks like SO much fun. Jason and I want to go camping sometime.
wait a minute! How is little M already standing? Wasn't she just born?! She's SO cute, Becky
Please beware... Cameron got the West Nile Virus at Branched Oak. Enjoy!
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