Well, here are a bunch of pictures of our little muffin puffin.

Mostly, Marley just falls asleep.

This is me and Marley bonding before bedtime.

This is her shocked face.

Here's our happy girl in her car seat.

This picture was taking at the Sunken Gardens. We visited them a few weeks ago. It was beautiful! This is a pond with real Lilly pads and flowers, and koi fish!

Marley loved looking at all the flowers.

This is the happy face she makes when mommy sucks on her toes.

Daddy and Marley at the Memorial Rose Gardens (just across the street from the Sunken Gardens, same evening). It was a very nice night. It's been raining a lot lately...TONS of rain today.

This us on the same path as above but going the other way now.

This onsie is from Marely's Grandma Lynie (Nathan's mom, Lynette). It says, "Yes, I know I'm cute!" And boy does she!

She made a scarf for herself with her burp rag. Marley doesn't have a ton of toys but it doesn't matter because she loves playing with her burp rags.

Marley and daddy again.

These are great shots of Marley's milk goatee.

So Smiley!

Marley has gone by so many names. I think I have blogged about some of them in the past. Well, I'm always trying to think of more. SO here are a few that I call her.
She loves to stretch especially in the morning. She just smiles and stretches and smiles and stretches and that's when I call her Stretchen Gretchen.
She loves to smile and when she's especially smiley I call her Smiley Kylie after her cousin.
She has been drooling SO much and when she is super drooly I call her Drooly Julie after her aunt.
She likes to stick her tongue out too. One trick she was doing today...she had her binky in and it was on one side of her mouth and she was sticking her tongue out of the other side of her mouth...so cute and she thought she was so funny and tricky. When she sticks her tongue out a lot I call her Liz the Lizard after her other aunt. And when she thinks she's being tricky, I call her Tricky Nickie.
After her baths she is Clean Jean.
When she's ready for church with her little bracelet on from my cousins that live in China, she is Fancy Nancy (btw, I love those books, I want them!). And she has a great aunt named Nancy.
When people say she looks just like her mother (they usually haven't seen Nathan) she is minnie Becky Wecky.
When she messes her pants, I call her Pooper Scooper...but, that's not really a name...it's sort of a title. But, then we also call her Stinky Winky.
That's all I can think of right now, but I know there have been more names and I'm sure there will always be new ones.
We love you!
What! She is 5 months already! I can't believe that! Wow! Where has time gone!. Becky she is so so so so cute! I love all of her smiley pictures and her surprised face! She is just so cute! Looks like you guys are having fun!
So fun. Love all her names - she's a renaissance woman already!
She is so Cute!!
yeah, i know what you mean about now performing for the camera. They either get shy... or just enjoying being stinkers!
Hey, do you remember Christi Romney from the MPH group before me? Her little boy is 11 months old - and POTTYTRAINED! She said she started at 4 months old, and now he only goes in the toilet (except at night he wears a diaper). Crazy huh! She said to check out a website called diaperfreebaby (i think thats what its called)
We have the same stroller, but in red! Marley looks so dang cute, and you look amazing as well! Miss you!
What a cute baby! And I LOVE her little sheet in her crib. Where did you find it?!
Back at ya! I love your blog too! Very cute pic's of marley ;) I can't wait to see the farm posted up there. hmmm maybe that's what I will do right now. I looked at the website for the apple festival- it looks like so much fun! I'll have to get an answer from JJ tonight. I woke up feeling kind of sick today- I hope it goes away because I don't want to miss all the fun this weekend. Some how the sun just exhausted me yesterday.
Cute pictures! And thanks for putting together your booklist. Right now I am reading Ender's Game. What about you?
Hey Becky! What a cute girl you have! Fun pics! So exciting when they roll over, but my favorite so far is sitting up! They feel so big sitting up! Glad you moved into the ward and are finding fun things in Lincoln! Amy
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