This weekend we went to the Apple Jack Festival in Nebraska City Nebraska. It's about 40 miles southeast of Lincoln, not too far. It was pretty fun.
Nebraska City is where Arbor Day got it's start. They have a whole Arbor Day Farm and during the Apple Jack Festival they have many events going on around town. We spent most of the day at the Arbor Day Farm. Next year we have decided to go and do all the free stuff. We missed the Parade which was 3 hours long and pretty good (according to someone in our ward that also went and we spoke to later).

This is Carly the Cardinal the official mascot of Arbor Day. She got side tracked by some other kids before we could snap a shot with her full attention, but oh well.

This is the Lied Greenhouse, pretty cool to see tree seedlings at all stages.

This is the apple tasting. This woman talked about three types of apples and we got to taste each one...it was cool!

We got a free tree for coming to the Farm during the Festival, two white pines...we gotta get some pots to plant them in. The trees are in the tubes...one of the tubes is blocking Marley's face...oops! But, she looks fascinated by it.

This was the Tree Adventure Discovery Ride. We did go on it because it was an extra $3.50 and we had already paid $6.50 each to get in, so we opted to not take the ride through the orchard.

They had spinney trees. They looked painful.

They had cool things to do along the path as you walked from one event to the next. This one was basically, "guess what you are smelling." You take a nice long deep sniff at the top of each bird house looking thing and then open the door on the bottom and it tells you what the smell is. Most of them were trees or nuts, but one was Deer musk and it was STINK-Y.

This was a stop to help you hear everything in the forest. These cones really did intensify the sound. I could hear people talking 10+ feet away, crystal clear. They were saying, "Look at that lady with the pineapple shirt...she totally has a spare tire!"

This looks like it was Marley's favorite part. We walked up a few flights of stairs and enjoyed the canopy tree house.

This was a tent that had a food demos going all day...and what kind of recipes were featured!?!?! APPLE!! We have quite a few to try.

Kettle Corn!!! This particular vendor was super pricey, but we found a more affordable one later...you'll see. But, this guy was fun to watch because he actually had a huge kettle.

We got Carly's Guidebook and they had punches at various stations so you could stamp your guidebook! It was fun!

They had a little theatre that featured clips of movies that had scenes with trees, people talking about trees, etc. I really enjoyed it. Don't ask Nathan what he thought of it.

This was lunch time. Next year we'll bring our own lunch because these two Apple Chicken Salad Croissants were 12 bucks!! No, that did not include a drink and chips...that was a extra $2.25!

And Oh So Yummy!

These carriages were in a little museum. They were really cool and really old...and they were all owned by the Morton Family who started Arbor day.
Cool house we saw on the hike back to the car.
(I would like to beg and plead to the powers that develop, maintain, improve blogger. PLEASE create a better way to post a lot of pictures and be able to easily write captions. Inevitably everytime I inadvertently delete one or more! Please! Help! It's so frustrating and then when I look at my blog the format never is right either! And always has huge random spaces that I have no idea how in the heck they got there! Sheesh!)
I am glad to hear there were actually apples at The Apple Jack Festival. I recently went to the Strawberry festival in Marysville, WA. They had a great parade but there wasn't a strawberry in sight.
Love the pics. And I would like to request the "truffle shuffle" to go along with that quote from the Goonies.
Happy Birthday--tomorrow! Love seeing pics of Marley-what a cute nickname! I LOVE YOUR GUTS!
Thanks Chunk, but I just had breakfast.
CURSE THIS COLD OF MINE! I am so bummed that we didn't get to go with you guys. It looks like so much fun.. I love cozy little home grown festivals! You took some great pictures too. I can't wait til i'm back to normal so I can start hanging out with you again.
Poor little baby Chunk, maybe you shouldn't have let her eat that whole bag of kettle corn. Can she sit up on her own now? It looks like she is in that first pic.
A, Goonies, and yes Marly did look a little like Chunk. Good times!
I guessed the movie! I'm so proud of myself. What a great day. Very, very fun.
I love this post. It looks like such fun! Happy Birthday Becky!
I moved on the 9th of Sep. to KY. I'm living with Suzanne Roberts (do you remember her? She was a temple square sister who served in MT...) and one of her friends.
I forgot to comment on that crazy witch gourd! - That was awesome. I want to grow a gourd like that - people are so clever - to see a witch hat in that - so very fun. I want to go to the Apple Jack Festival! I think we'll hit the cornmaze again this year - that's probably the closest we'll get. And I do love the cornmaze - very fun.
It looks like you all had a wonderful day! I really like the great pictures of you all. You will be happy to know I have blogged once again!1
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