We are now living in
Salina, UT for the summer. Well, for June and July and for a little while in August...not sure when exactly we are returning to L-Town. Nathan is working for his dad at Pepsi and we are living with his parents. So, if you're looking for us...that's where we are!
Salina is a small town. I really like it...so far. I think I will like it all summer. Today I found the public library...hence the
Internet usage. But since this is the only place in town besides the motels, that has high speed
Internet, I am not able to keep up on reading all my blogs! Sad! But, I will still try to blog regularly.
We will also be up in the American Fork area quite a bit this summer. Nathan's grandparents from
Seattle, will be up in the Salt Lake area this weekend so we will be up there. We will also hopefully get to see our newest neice, Halle Brynn Wilson! Can't wait to hold her!
Petie is getting married at the end of the month, so we'll be up there for that and the festivities that surround weddings.
In other news....
Question. Do you ever try to self diagnose using the
Internet? I never have until recently. I have these weird bumps that show up on my hands and they migrate. They don't stay in one place. They usually show up on the sides of my fingers, mostly
pinkie and index but, they have also been on my palms. They are a little itchy, but not too bad. I try to ignore them and so far it's not too hard to do so. According to my
Internet diagnosis, it's not contagious!! The bad news...there are some pretty horrendous pictures of this ailment. Mine is
definitely not that bad...not yet anyway....hopefully never will be. Here's a picture from

This is what I found:
Dyshidrosis, also termed
Dyshidrotic Eczema,
Pompholyx, Acute
vesiculobullous hand eczema,
[1] and
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis, is a
skin condition that is characterized by small
blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent
dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated
pruritic, clear
vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and
lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic. Incidence/Prevalence is said to be 20/100,000 in the
United States, however, many cases of eczema are diagnosed as garden-variety
atopic eczema without further investigation, so it is possible this figure is misleading.
This condition is not contagious to others, but due to its unsightly nature can cause significant distress in regards to social interactions with others.
The name comes from the word "
dyshidrotic," meaning "bad sweating," which was once believed to be the cause but this association is unproven; there are many cases present that have no history of excessive sweating. There are a number of different factors which may trigger the outbreak of
dyshidrosis such as allergens, stress or seasonal changes. Emotional stress may also further aggravate the condition."
TMI (too much information) is not "news" but, it often is on TV so...why not on my blog? Stay tuned for...hopefully better and more exciting news in the future.
We love you all!