First of all, being on vacation with my loving husband is always a major highlight of every trip we take. Mostly because HE is a highlight of my life and being on vacation, I get to spend 24-7 with him! He is always so tender and shows much attention to my comfort and happiness. It was fun to mill about Disneyland with my best friend.

My favorite memory was when we rode all the way around the park and just relaxed and ate our lunch and discovered the Disneyland Railroad all over again. Why was it my favorite? Maybe it was because we were eating and I love eating? Maybe it was because it was the last day and we were sitting and my feet were REALLY tired? Maybe it was the magic of the Disneyland Railroad? But, I’m thinking it was my favorite memory because I was worn out with my best friend, just having a good ol’ time.
We were recipients of a "Dream". You know, Disney is doing another “Year of a Million Dreams”...well we got a dream! We got front row tickets to Billy Hill and the Hillbillies Show at the Horseshoe Stage! It was a great show. Not THE dream we would have chosen to have granted but, it was cool to have a "dream" granted before we left. And hey! They can’t let EVERYONE stay in the Castle Suite!
The Horseshoe Stage!
Me! In the front row!

This is all four Billies (yes, they are all named Billy and they are brothers so they must all be Billy Hill) goofing off. They were SO funny and very talented musicians. I think they all play multiple instruments. They at least play multiple string instruments, because we saw them. The bass is in the back, then there is a guitar, banjo, and mandolin. In this picture they are getting ready to play each others instruments while they play their own instruments.
And here they are smiling away as they play each others instruments while they play their own! They each strum their own instrument while they play the notes on someone else's instrument.

Another highlight.... I made it the whole three days without having to rent a wheel chair. The last day I had super tired feet, especially my right foot. To compensate for the pain in my heel and on the side of my foot, I walked on my toes a lot which left my calves super sore as well. I made it though...ALL day. I hobbled around and at one point I think Nathan was very close to renting a wheel chair for me. He saw a slew of wheelchairs, stopped pointed and said "Wheelchair?" I shook my head, no, and he said, "Are you sure?" I wasn't sure but I didn't want to be a wimp.
Whenever we were with the rest of the fam they were asking if I needed to rest and telling me to sit down...they didn't really need to tell me. Every chance I got, I sat down.
Anyway, I made it. I may be damaged permanently but, outlook is good for a full recovery....and it was well worth it!
I also had to make a lot of stops for the bathroom. So many that Nathan felt it appropriate to take a picture of me just outside the lady’s room in New Orleans Square.

I got a Churro! They are like three bucks so it was a big deal to get one! I totally should have taken a picture of me and my Churro!

We got waffle cones! They were SO good and worth the money! (Nathan is thinking..."all I want to do is eat my ice cream cone and she wants to take pictures. I love you ice cream cone!")

These may sound like boring or dumb highlights, but, there were a lot of things I was looking forward to that didn't happen.
No Fantasmic! I don't know if they just don't do it anymore or if it's just a seasonal show, but there was a calendar for the month of January and it was nowhere to be found on there! I love that that was a huge disappointment. It probably is seasonal…my Disney genius connection just happened to mention recently that each Fantasmic show costs $30,000!!!! So, maybe it’s not worth it when there isn’t a HUGE crowd to wow!

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - there is no goat. They took the goat out of that ride! So, we didn't even get to find out what the goat trick was! Dang! (If you need help on why were looking for a goat to do a trick, see post below).
Of course it rained while we were there. It wasn't too bad though. It would rain for 5 or 10 minutes...sometimes less and then it would be nice for a couple of hours....nice as in...not raining. It was chilly at times but, we mostly just wore hoodies and we were fine. The good thing about the sporadic rain and chill is that there were hardly any wait times for the rides!
The first night, we tried to watch the got cancelled because of weather. But, we made up for it by going on Peter Pan and Snow White which we found to be very warm! (To see a really great slide show of our trip and the Main Street Parade go to,
The second night, we tried to watch the fireworks show...which I’m pretty sure we got to see most of it. All of a sudden, it was like someone flipped a switch and turned everything off. A few seconds later they announced that the show had to be stopped because of winds at high elevations.
What was funny was they had already made Tinker Bell fly...poor little fairy trying to fly around in those high elevation winds! Another funny thing about them abruptly stopping the show is that it seemed like it was almost over anyway...and they had already let off TONS of fireworks....can they not finish the show without triggering the rest of the fireworks? Probably not. It was a good show though, despite its abrupt stop…and I was really glad to see Tinker Bell fly. She flies VERY different than she used to!
The third night, we tried to watch the Electrical Lights Parade and it got cancelled because of the rain. Which was was kinda cold and it was sprinkling and we were super tired. Just disappointing that we didn't get to see any of the parades.
I was looking forward to going on the Monster's Inc. ride. They didn't have that in Florida when I worked I was excited to see that...but, it was closed. I love Kitty (Sully) and Mike Zalwosky and Boo.
I hesitated even mentioning the disappointments because I had a really great time! It is impossible to stay disappointed in Disneyland. If you encounter a disappointment, whatever it maybe, around the corner there is a historic something (ride, character, etc.) to bring you magical joy!
More Highlights!
Back to us not having to wait in hardly any lines (mentioned five or six paragraphs up). Where in the world is waiting in line more enjoyable? Yes, it’s true that it is hard to be on your feet all that time but, think about it! Most of the ride lines are not just boring cement walkways and aluminum railing cues…they are decorated and get you in the “mood” for the adventure you are about to embark upon! Think about standing in line for Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Star Tours, Space Mountain, etc. I don’t need to list them all…but they are all so cleverly decorated and adorned with the theme of the ride! Granted there are a few rides that have boring cues and most of them are in Tomorrowland (Finding Nemo Submarine ride and Autotopia) but, there are always lots of things to look at and things going on in Tomorrowland, so I feel like that’s ok.
I felt like it was time for another picture! Here is my handsome prince pulling the sword out of the stone!

We got to go to California Adventure for the first time!!! My favorite ride there is Soarin' Over California! So Awesome!

I have been on the Tower of Terror at Disney's MGM Studios in Florida...but, couldn't ride it this time because of baby girl....but, that is one of my favorite rides! It was still fun to stand outside and see the creepy building and hear the people scream.
This is me in disguise at the Mission Tortilla Factory! That was a cool place!

And Davey Jones...he's projected on mist that the boat rides through. Cool!