1. I worked at Walt Disney World for one semester. I got hired for working in food and beverage but, when I got there I had been assigned to a new position (thank goodness!!!) they were trying out with the college program. I worked in Epcot in Conventions and Special Events. I got to stand guard when families or large companies reserved parts of the park for private parties. I also facilitated those parties, ushered them around from place to place in the park and made sure they had all they needed.
This job also included working the Food and Wine Festival. I requested to not work with the wine so I got to work with the food! I facilitated the guest restaurants and handed out free stuff to park guests. I also got to work at the kid cot where kids came and decorated paper chef's hats with fruits and vegetables cut out of construction paper. I also worked in the guest chef show and handed out the food samplers to the audience after the cooking shows.

The coolest part about that job was that we got free access to all of Disney. I went and rode rides everyday! I also made tons of friends...too bad I'm not in contact with them anymore. (See item 6).
2. I love Montana! I lived in West Yellowstone, MT from the time I was about 4 years old until I was about 11 years old. My parents ran and managed a Motel there, called the Big Western Pine. It was awesome! We had a pop machine and ice machine at our disposal 24-7! We enjoyed warm beautiful summers with a pool and hot tub, hiking, biking and of course visiting Yellowstone Park all the time! We would often go swim at Firehole River. Liz would float down the rapids upstream and end up where we were swimming in the calmer part. Julie would jump off the cliffs and I would just hope my sisters wouldn't die.
In the winter we got to cross country ski for PE at school, downhill ski at Big Sky every Saturday and snowmobile all the time! What wonderful memories.
Later in life I returned to Montana. I served a full-time mission for the LDS church in the Montana Billings Mission, which includes all of Montana (except for West Yellowstone) and about 1/3 of Wyoming. One of the hardest things I've ever done...and yet one of the most rewarding and enjoyable. I wish I had some pictures on my computer but, again this was way before my digital camera.
Places I served: Billings, Big Fork, Laurel, Bel Grade and Billings again. Favorite area was Laurel. Never got to serve in Wyoming...some say I missed out, others say I'm lucky. Guess I'll never know.
3. I am 80 days older than Nathan. I LOVE to travel so, someday, when we are well established I dream of getting a Trip Around the World, as a gift for my birthday. Starting on my birthday we will travel around the world in 80 days!!! NOT in a hot air balloon though. Our trip will end with us returning home the day before Nathan's birthday, because he doesn't really like traveling and being home on his birthday will be HIS birthday gift! And we'll be home just in time to get ready for Christmas! Doesn't that sound like a wonderful dream!
4. I graduated from BYU. Again, one of the hardest things I've done in my life but also very rewarding and character building...not to mention all the knowledge I gained. I love learning!!!
5. I love the sun and to be outdoors when it is warm. I love hiking, biking and camping. I do enjoy some winter sports though I don't ski or snowmobile much anymore...sledding is fun. But, summer is so much more fun because you can just enjoy being outside...whereas in the winter, you go out, you have fun and you get back inside!
6. I have the worst short term memory and a sketchy long term memory. I constantly make lists of things I need to remember. AND I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people. =-( I wish I was better at this!
I can't remember how I was going to expand upon this one, but the rest are each so long, I think I'm okay.
7. I've been to Japan and I LOVED IT!!!

Man! I have TONS of pictures of Japan but, I'll just leave it at these few. I absolutely LOVED IT!!!
I tag...Julie, Sarah, and Kim.