Nathan's mom, Lynette, made Marlayna's blessing dress. It's a pretty cool story.
I bought a temple dress just after my mission and was really good about going to the temple every week. My cousin Amy helped me keep that goal going when she moved to Utah after her mission. We visited every temple in Utah except for two, Vernal and Monticello because those require an appointment and we just never made one. I also wore that dress in the Las Vegas, San Diego, and Oakland temples so it got a lot of use.
Just before Nathan and I got married my dress started to rip at the seams, it was getting worn out. It had seams vertically down the front and back. The seams in the back were the ones busting. My mom sinched the back seams in to try to stop the ripage and I was able to wear that meaningful dress when Nathan and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Mt. Timpanogos temple a year and a half ago. The holes came back though and I got a great idea! I could make a baby blessing dress out of my old temple dress!
Problem. I'm not a seamstress. My mother-in-law loves to sew and she is REALLY good at it, so I asked her if should would make a blessing dress for Marlayna out of my old temple dress.
It is beautiful!!! Her nephew Sam kept saying "She looks like a Queen!"
Here are the pictures of it!