At 57 years old!
My dear mother is graduating from BYU!
I am so proud of my mom. It has been a hard road...college is HARD!!! But, the best thing to do when a hard thing is accomplished is to walk down memory lane. Here we go...
Mom! Remember when you went to Ricks! That was your first college experience. Your roommates were Ruth Johnson, Danzelle Lewis, Barbi Green, Carolyn Morgan, and Vera Harston. Remember last year when you had a roommate reunion!
Then you went to San Jose City College and you became a Dental Assistant.
You used your Dental Assisting AA to put your dear Husby through college and help him graduate from BYU!
You babysat and did home day care so you could stay home with your kids! Which we are so grateful for! I'm sure that was an education in itself with Brandon Walengren, Mikie, Jeffy, and Rebecca Pixton, and we can't forget, Shawny-Poo!
You and dad then decided to move to Montana...which we all loved...except the whole Motel management stuff. There, you were reservation manager, bookkeeper, maid, maintenance coordinator, and I'm sure many other jobs.
Then we moved to California...back home for you and dad! You still wanted to stay home with us so you worked for Video III...which we all loved! Watching all the new releases as we prepped the video tapes to be put in the grocery stores, to be rented!
You also did some daycare at this time too. The only one I remember was a kid from my class at school. Patrick! He fit right in with us, with his red hair, unfortunately it was a mullet. Anyways...I digress.
Then you worked for Dr. Pulley an opthamologist in San Jose. Boy was that nice to get free eye exams and contacts at a great discount. Wow! A lot of your jobs had great perks!
Then you worked for Tom Skornia Corporate Law Attorney. This is when you finally returned to school. You went to Dianza College and took a Business Law class and an Excel class and you even got Tom to pay for it! What a very nice man! This is when your jobs started to give you perks and you deserved them!
Tom Skornia retired and you worked for the Thoits Firm. The perks were your great friends! And probably working in Palo Alto, CA was pretty awesome too...I thought it was! I love downtown Palo Alto...so cute! Anyway, again, I digress.
Then you eventually ended up working at BYU! That's when you ultimately returned to college. This job was an education. And of course just as you had done in the past you wanted to take classes to get better at your job. You took Editing classes and realized....hmmm...I think I want to be an English major! The perk of this job was THE BEST! You could go to school for FREEEEE! And your children could go half price! I loved that perk! I'm sure Peter does too!
And now.
You are officially a college grad!
I won't remind you about the tough classes and how you felt like all the young kids around you had such bright and fresh minds. They learned from your experience! I won't remind you about how you had all these plans to take Spanish classes and ONLY speak Spanish in our house (NONE of us know Spanish). And I won't remind you about STATISTICS!!! The bane!
I WILL remind you that we car pooled! We learned all the groups we heard on the radio and quizzed each other. We had BYU brownies together! And a few lunches and a few donuts! And about 6 TONS of chocolate covered raisins. And about 3 TONS of chocolate covered peanuts. We never took a class together...too bad...but, I'm sure you would have been WAY smarter than me. You and Peter took a class together....he never studied...hardly went to class and got the same grade as you....what a PUNK!
(What I wouldn't give for a BYU Brownie, right now! No mint please!)
Well, that's about it for memory lane. I hope it was a good trip for you Mom! I love you and again I'm so proud of you! I wish I could be there, like you were there for me. I appreciate all you have done for me, our family and especially what you have done for you!
I love you!
Your Favorite Daughter,