My computer is getting too full. My memory is low. I have to put all my pictures on CD's so I can delete them and download the new ones. After a week of struggling with my crappy disk drive, it pooped out. I called Dell and after on an hour of trouble shooting the Dell guy finally gave in and said he would send me a new disk drive. Gotta love that full warranty! It came the very next day, which was Wednesday. Now, I am nearly done burning CDs.
But, when I'm done with that I still have to upload all my graduation and vacation pictures to photobucket which takes FOR-EV-ER. But, the good news....once they are uploaded on photobucket they are super quick to put on blogger.
They are still coming! And they are good so please hold out!
In the mean time, here are some gems I found while looking through old pictures to save for posterity.
I'm sure all of you know the story of "Becky's fake tooth." Yes, I have/had a fake tooth since the 5th grade. Since most if not all of you know the story of how that came to be, I'll spare you. I guess I would tell the full story if I got enough requests in the comments. Anyway, after a long painful, tedious and embarrassing process, a new member was added to my mouth as of January 2006 (17 years later)...a permanent member.
This is a picture of the post, which was screwed into an implant in my gums. Sexy! I know!

This is my glorious new smile!

Ok, it is funny and yes I did save ALL of them for posterity.
I am just sharing one one-thousandth of the pictures I have of me, taken by me, and my new smile.
You're welcome.
And thank you!