I've been M.I.A. because we surprised our families and showed up in Utah in the wee hours of the morning of June 3rd. We just got back on Saturday and here are the highlights and
Waking Julie with a scare...on accident.
Surprising Liz (she cried)
Seeing Julie's baby move and see her heart beat (I'm convinced it's a girl!)
Baptism - nephew Austin
BYU - visit mom
BYU CreameryGeocachingDinner in the canyon
Cafe Rio
ol' backyard/shed rummage
Skate Park
BraleyTrying to remember Ginger's Mix Tape
A nap on Sunday
Andrena and Steve and new baby Carter
GeocachingTaking an hour to blow up a kiddie pool which flattened in 15 minutes (there was a hole!)
A nap on Tuesday
Liberty Park with all of Nathan's siblings (except
Hermana Freitas in Argentina)
Splash park - Marley's absolute favorite
Raiding my mom's food storage
Building shelves for Julie and Matt
Brick Oven
Marley was scared of Julie the whole time. (because we scared Julie and she screamed).
Funeral. My
Aunt Mary's sister Barbara died of cancer. This was a
lowlight because Barbara suffered so much, but a highlight because the funeral was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman.
Had to get a new transmission mount - BUT, better than having to replace the transmission
I got a ticket in WY.
Having to stay in Sydney, NE on the way home because of horrible wind and rain
Story Time:After sleeping off our
thru-the-night-drive, I took a shower and left my hair down. We stayed with my sister Julie and one of her first comments (with a discussed look on her face, including a scrunched nose) was, "Wow, you're hair is long!"
Me: "Um. Yea."
Then we went and surprised Liz my other sister and she said the same thing...same face too.
I defended myself by saying, "My hair is like Liz Lemon's. Everyday it's ugly but, when I do it, it looks GOOD!!!"
They both looked at me with a face that said, "Yea, right, whatever."
They new I was lying.
They were probably also annoyed that I compared my self to someone so awkwardly awesome as Liz Lemon.
So I got my hair cut last night.

Ewe no make-up.

Bye-bye hair.

hello Sassy!

Can I just complain about my hair line for one second. I'm going bald.
Yea, and I got a bunch of regrowth that showed up around 4 months after Marley was born so now I have long hair and a bunch of hair that is only like 3 inches long. So annoying. It makes my hair line and the top of my head look frizzy and out of control.