Why Farmer Freitas' Wife? Well, my husband loves to garden and my sister likes to call him Farmer Freitas....so you know what that makes me.
We've lived in Utah, Nebraska, upper Michigan and now we've settled in Colorado...at least for now! Marley is 10, Isi is 6 and Enzo is 4!
Life is great!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
30 years in the making....
"I'm still alive!" "I made it!" "The more I grow, seems the less I know." "All the Embarrassing Pictures.” and “And So It Goes.”
Maybe those will be blog titles of the next few blogs…because this ONE of a series of posts. Today I’m only posting a few pictures. With scanning and planning and posting…I get bogged down. Plus, it will be nice to have a few blogs rather than just one BIG HUGE ONE! Just know….more are coming.
Is it just me or does everyone feel from a young age, that they will never get old and they will never die? And as you get older you feel older and you think about....well anyway.
This is the first part of my life...and all the school pictures I had. I can think of some REALLY fun pictures I want to post...but I don't have them....my mom must have them.
Anyway, here you go….enjoy.
You're welcome!!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Your Mid-Week Update!

The bruising got worse before it got better. It looked the worst last Thursday and Friday. Still the pictures don't do it justice.

8 years....It's Independence Day! (flashback)

They Lost. Darn!
Mother & Son.
Good Form!
They lost! Darn!
Husband & Wife.
Crazy Form! Look at me...I look like I'm in it to win it. Don't I?
It paid off! We won!!!
What did we win?
Just the opportunity to take a picture with our fists of victory in the air!
The Grease Pole!
Actually there are two. One for the kids and one for the adults.
Every Fourth of July, Salina City stakes two poles in the grass and then they lather it up with animal fat, hence the name - The Grease Poll!
What do they do with this?
They take volunteers -
teams of four -
the teams climb the Grease Pole.
And you say...
No really...there is MONEY all over that thing!
Hundreds of dollars!
This was Jill (Nate's sister) and her team. They tried. It was HARD!
They only got a dollar. Darn!
They shared a slushy. Yea!
Ok, I'm sensing you have more questions about this Grease Pole.
Where does the money come from?
Donations - wouldn't you donate some money to watch people try to climb a grease pole?
Besides the money slathered all over the pole, what is the teams incentive to try to get to the top?
There is a ribbon towards the top of the pole...also held on by the grease and if you get that ribbon you get hundreds of dollars. This year I think the jackpot was $450! Plus, whatever you are able to get off the pole, which was about $150 total.
Here is the team that wins every year. They get MOST of the money and the JACKPOT!
Don't hate me but, I only got a picture of them getting ready. My camera died. So, you'll just have to go to Salina next year and watch these guys climb...they've got a really good system.
We had a great BBQ - again no pics. Sorry!
Nate and the gang play Ultimate Frisbee - Nate's favorite! Again no pics. Sorry!
And then we did poppers and sparklers on the deck. FUN!!!