We dropped Nathan off at school...he also had a busy day, including a meeting with his TA for his project in Remote Sensing class. He had to take the camera with him, to take pictures of his experiment so I didn't get the camera for our Halloween party...and there were so many cute little cuties in cute costumes. Ah well. What can ya BOO! (scared you!)
We, Marley and I, then busted over to the store to get our bat wings (blue tortilla chips) and monster brains (salsa). For two of our THREE Halloween parties today.
Side story: The closest grocery store to us is a Super Saver so I went to that one. That parking lot is so stupid! It totally bugs me AND at least once a month I turn too early and end up on this lame street with an island that won't let me turn. So, I have to go all the way down to the next light (not actually THAT far) and flip a U-turn. AND I ALMOST made it through October with out doing that...but, the last day of the month!!! Argh.
After the store we went to Hobby Lobby. When I put Marley's costume on her yesterday I realized that she needed a few more puff balls for her hat, thus the trip to Hobby Lobby. It is dangerous for me I love that store!!! All of their Halloween stuff was 40% off already and I found this cute dish that looks like a monster with and inverted head (a bowl) PERFECT for SALSA!!! I MEAN MONSTER BRAINS!!! I bought it but, I don't have a picture...sorry. IT'S CUTE!!!
We dashed home and put the finishing touches on Marley's costume. Made sure I had all the supplies we needed to share our bat wings and monster brains. And then headed off to our first Halloween party. It was so fun! Fairies, bugs, dinosaurs, pumpkins, clowns, witches, etc. So cute! We had bread sticks that looked like monster fingers and really yummy cheesy potato soup. And LOTS of Halloween sweets! The little kids even got to go on a ghost hunt, which were tootsie pop ghosts stuck in the grass. They loved it!
After that party we were off to meet Nathan on campus for his School's Halloween party!!! More FOOD! More fairies, bugs, dinosaurs, clowns, pumpkins, witches, etc. They even had a costume contest and Marley got Most Original in the children's costume contest! Everyone loved her costume and lots of people asked if they could take her picture. It was so fun!
After that party we busted home to meet the missionaries. We had them over for soup in a bread bowl. The new elder was SO excited to have soup in a bread bowl. He had never heard of that before. We even let them cut the bread into bowls and they really enjoyed that. We have great missionaries!
Then we busted over to the church for our trunk or treat party! It was so fun! I just LOVE seeing all the costumes! Especially the littlest kids! Some of them would say...Twick or Tweet!
Marley didn't really have anything close to real naps but, she was a trooper. Happy all day! She is such a delightful baby girl and she is definitely growing too fast!
Here are the pictures!