We've lived in Utah, Nebraska, upper Michigan and now we've settled in Colorado...at least for now! Marley is 10, Isi is 6 and Enzo is 4!

Life is great!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Well, Geez ...

There will be no pictures because I was given this assignment 5 minutes ago and without any instructions. Decide now if this will be worth your time.

Perhaps I will pursue this anniversary thread a little longer ( warning! mushy stuff ahead).

Seven years ago it was brought forth on this day a proposition that Becky and Nathan were willing to work together as equals in marriage.

We are now engaged in a great challenge of raising a family, finding better employment, serving in church, and cleaning house. At this time I would like to dedicate this tribute to recall what we have come through so we may rejoice in the happy memories.

In a larger sense I cannot take the credit for all the things my family does. They and I have received blessings from sources more mighty than I and more profound than I can utter. I realize the world may care little about what my family has accomplished but it matters to me and mine because it has brought us happiness.

It is seven years since I began this journey with Becky, and I do cherish it with the realization there is still more to come. We came to this place on a path that has led us through experiences and places we did not imagine ourselves being a part of. I do intend that it will not be in vain because of promises made in a temple marriage covenant that we will not cease to be, but will be a family together forever.

Happy Anniversary Becky! Thank you for your loving support and putting up with my inconvenient shenanigans.

If you have not yet guessed why this tribute is familiar, I have patterned this to some extent on the great "Gettysburg Address" given by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863.


The Yuan Fam said...

Oh my gosh! I should've have read the last paragraph first...I had to re-read everything because my brain is slow and I didn't understand it the first time I read it. I love that Nathan posted...on the eve of your anniversary no less! I still always think about how we do the same things during the same year; I'm counting baby #3 :-) Love you!!!

Shauna said...

Becky! My friend, I have been out of town and while I don't have the moment to catch up on your lovely words at this time I am going to tomorrow and can't wait. I think of you often and how I am inspired by you. Take care and will be reading soon,

SHauna oxoxox

Sandy said...

I guess you can't put any scores in there to give us a clue, just the 7 years ago.